Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mr.Moccia MPA

Mr.Moccia received the "State of Maine Principal of the Year" award on Friday, February 18, 2011 at the Winter Carnival assembly. In order to get this award you must be nominated by another principal in the state. Then you must write an essay and send in statistical information.  Mr.Moccia became a finalist. After sitting down with an interview committee of fellow principals, he became MPA's (Maine's Principals Association) High School Principal of the Year.

Before becoming principal at OHCHS, Mr.Moccia was a assistant principal and a physical education teacher. Because physicality peaked an interest in Mr. Moccia, he also coached the track team and football team at OHCHS. During his tenure he received the Coach of the Year award.

Mr Moccia said this to the student body of OHCHS:
"I think we have the best high school in the state. I truly believe that. It wasn't because of me that I received this award, it was due to everyone in this school, the students,teachers,support staff,office staff."

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